NOrmal training scheduleTUESDAY INDOOR TRAINING
TRAINING normally runs every Tuesday, from early September through to April, although there are sometimes breaks for holidays and occasional hall unavailability - join our WhatsApp group for updates by emailing [email protected] Both junior and senior sessions take place at City of Norwich School (CNS) in Eaton Road, Norwich NR4 6PP (please enter the school gates on Eaton Road and follow the road right round to the carpark at the rear of the buildings and in front of the playing field, there is a small car park opposite the entrance to the sports hall). Please join the Norwich City Korfball Club Facebook group for training updates
Match venue: UEA Sportspark, UEACity of Norwich School, Eaton RoadJuniors – Tuesdays
Juniors are currently training in the same timeslot as seniors but on a sectioned off area of the pitch from 7-8pm Seniors – Tuesdays 7pm-8.30pm (for those aged 13 and up) SUMMER TRAINING Once the winter korfball season finishes (April) we move to train outside on the playing field opposite the CNS sports hall for May and June (we break for July and August). Juniors (under 9s through to under 13s) – 18:30-19:30 Seniors (13 and above) - 19:30-20:30 |